Multi-Service Center

What is the Multi-Service Center?

How does it work?

For years PRAHD’s Multi-Service Center has addressed the broad spectrum of unmet needs facing Middlesex County residents. The program is open to individuals aged 55 and younger who reside in Middlesex County.

Important Announcement

Beginning June 10, 2024, the Multi-Service Center and Rental Assistance will be operating on the following schedule:

  • Mondays and Thursdays – No in-person appointments or walk-ins.
  • All Other Days – by appointment only

Need more information?

For more information on our Multi-Service Center, contact PRAHD today!

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MSC Hotline


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Foreclosure Presentation Course

Course Description

Helping homeowners who are experiencing financial difficulty to better understand what foreclosure may mean is the platform for the foreclosure education course. It’s designed to provide valuable information about the when, where, why, and what your next steps should be during such a stressful time. Most importantly, it defines the tools available to you if faced with the difficult decision of foreclosure. This course also prepares homeowners with information to navigate away from the potential scams they may be presented with during the foreclosure process.

Course Curriculum

Course Fee: No Charge
Click Here to Get Started: Service Request Form