Bomba Academy – 2023


Evento de Lanzamiento 4 de marzo de 2023 11 am

Inscríbete antes de marzo 4, 2023!

Esta clase es posible gracias a PRAHD, en asociatción con Los Cimarrones y aproyada por el Arts Institute of Middlesex County. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Kim Ruiz al 732-638-2816

Información de la Clase:

  • Semestre de primavera: sábados, marzo – junio
  • Semestre de otoño: sábados, septiembre – noviembre
  • $25 no reembolsable cuota de inscripción
  • $300 por familia de 4 or menos
  • $200 por participante individual
  • *planes de page están disponibles

Enlace para inscribirse y pagar:


Kick Off Event on March 4, 2023 11 am!

Register by March 4, 2023

This class is made possible by PRAHD, in partnership with Los Cimarrones and supported by the Arts Institute of Middlesex County. For more information, please contact Kim Ruiz at 732-638-2816

Class information:

  • Spring Semester: Saturdays, March – June
  • Fall Semester: Saturdays, September – November
  • $25 non-refundable registration fee
  • $300 per family of 4 or less
  • $200 per individual participant
  • *Payment plans are available

Link to sign up and pay:

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How to Prepare for Naturalization?

PRAHD in partnership with Lissette Familia invite you to join us for a free workshop on everything you need to know to become a citizen!

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Foreclosure Presentation Course

Course Description

Helping homeowners who are experiencing financial difficulty to better understand what foreclosure may mean is the platform for the foreclosure education course. It’s designed to provide valuable information about the when, where, why, and what your next steps should be during such a stressful time. Most importantly, it defines the tools available to you if faced with the difficult decision of foreclosure. This course also prepares homeowners with information to navigate away from the potential scams they may be presented with during the foreclosure process.

Course Curriculum

Course Fee: No Charge
Click Here to Get Started: Service Request Form