Latinas in Tech (LIT)

About LIT

Latinas in Tech (LIT) was a six week computer science, coding, leadership development, community action, and scholarly research camp held in the summer of 2022. Participants had the use of brand new laptops purchased with grant funds and additional help from HP. They also built individual websites based on their leadership skills and community action research. There was a group project of making a new Entre Mujeres website for the PRAHD website.

A final celebration to showcase and honor the participants’ achievements with family, friends, and the community was held at the beginning of September.

LIT Philosophy

PRAHD and LIT recognizes young women need a challenging and nurturing space to navigate the unique experiences they face within the STEM world. We firmly believe that no circumstance is too limiting and no skill is too hard — and every participant can gain proper access to the skills and leadership perspectives to succeed in today’s STEM world.

Our program helped young women immerse themselves in coding and website design with the freedom to adopt whichever level of skill-intensity currently works best for them (ex. ranging from beginner skills for recreational use to more advanced development for future employment purposes).

As participants gathered general technology skills, they were challenged to develop the necessary leadership identity, personal mission statement, and community action strategy to ensure their skills can produce intricate and powerful outcomes for them, their family, and their community.

View Individual Websites

Please use the links below to view the LIT Participants’ Websites.

The information on the above websites are for general informational purposes only. The thoughts, opinions and views contained herein are those of the creators, and not PRAHD. Inc. PRAHD, Inc. makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the sites above is solely at your own risk. These sites may contain links to third party content, which we do not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for.

About the Program


Led by Kara West

Tuesdays were focused on hands-on and practical technology instruction. By the end of the six weeks, participants were able to:

  • Explore Online Safety & Security and Intellectual Property,
  • Help build, create, and design a website for PRAHD’s Entre Mujeres Program,
  • Learn, understand, and perform a creative block based coding project, and
  • Build, create, and design a personal webpage reflecting on their experience during LIT.


Led by Saidy Cedano

Thursday sessions centered on transforming websites into Social Action Projects, guiding participants to strengthen their leadership identity and make a community impact. They learned to:

  • Define their leadership identity, uncover motivations, and craft a lasting personal mission statement.
  • Research and address a local social justice issue through a personal website with full creative control.
  • Develop a community action plan that leverages their unique traits to connect with and educate their community.

Special Thank You

PRAHD and LIT are grateful to the grant funding provided by American Association of University Women (AAUW). Please check out their website for more information about their organization:

Reach Out

Our Contact

Kara West

Follow Us!

Our Future

Due to the incredible success of the Latinas in Tech (LIT) Program, we’ve expanded to welcome all young people! Now called Latinos in Tech, this program is open to Middlesex County students in grades 8–12. Click the link or the button below to learn more about LIT and check out upcoming events.

Foreclosure Presentation Course

Course Description

Helping homeowners who are experiencing financial difficulty to better understand what foreclosure may mean is the platform for the foreclosure education course. It’s designed to provide valuable information about the when, where, why, and what your next steps should be during such a stressful time. Most importantly, it defines the tools available to you if faced with the difficult decision of foreclosure. This course also prepares homeowners with information to navigate away from the potential scams they may be presented with during the foreclosure process.

Course Curriculum

Course Fee: No Charge
Click Here to Get Started: Service Request Form